Office supplies: we don't often think about them, but most of us wouldn't be able to do our jobs without them. As any office administrator could tell you, handling all of your office's needs can be a rather time-consuming and tedious task. In the past, it was normal to source different types of office supplies from different suppliers. Printer paper would be bought from paper companies, copier cartridges from companies that offered ink cartridges, copiers and printers themselves from other companies altogether. Fortunately, recent years have changed the industry dramatically. However, many offices still aren't quite "with the times" regarding sourcing their printing supplies.
It may seem easier to stick with what you know -- but in fact, you may find that not only sourcing your supplies but your basic technological needs from fewer places will make your working life a lot easier. With that being said, let's look into the different products and services that can be offered through one umbrella provider.
Printer And Copier Cartridges
No office today can run without a printer and copier. Fortunately, many printers and copiers are combined in this day and age, which means that printer supplies also double as copier supplies. With that being said, perhaps the most annoying thing about keeping up with your printer supplies is keeping track of your printer and copier cartridge supplies. Copier cartridgescan be used up quite quickly in a typical office -- think about how often you use your copier on a daily basis. Being able to buy your copier cartridges from the same place that you bought your printer is convenient enough -- it ensures that your cartridges will definitely work in tandem with your printers and copiers the way that you need. However, it gets even easier once you realize that you can set up regular refills! You won't have to go to the store. You won't even have to make regular orders yourself. Rather, the refills will be set up regularly, and your cartridges will arrive on time, right when you're due for them. Of course, there are options available if you run out of cartridges before it's time for your next refill. You can always order them early! Of course, these aren't the only office supplies that need to be regularly replenished.
Paper Supplies
Perhaps the most important type of office supplies are paper products. Paper may seem rather innocuous, but the costs tend to add up over time. The fact is that the typical office worker prints about 10,000 pages per year -- this equals out to a cost of $725. Often times, it's much more cost-effective for an office to source its paper supplies from the same place that it sources its printers, copies, and cartridges. Like cartridges, paper can be regularly re-ordered and refilled. Furthermore, many suppliers offer paper supplies in package deals. This means that your office can get all of its paper from the same source, no matter what exact type of stock it may be. It's sometimes possible to have paper with specific letterheads sourced from the same supplier as basic printer paper, which can also make matters even more convenient.
Printer Repairs
Unfortunately, when machines are used as often as printers tend to be, they're more likely to fail. Fortunately, printers and copiers can be repaired, and if you buy them with warranties, they can often be repaired by the same suppliers that originally sold them. It's much easier to have a printer repair technician simply come by whenever there is an issue, versus looking into individual repair shops or attempting to repair your printer on your own. Furthermore, printers and copiers require regular maintenance, and buying them from a reliable office supplies source means that you can skip scheduling visits. In fact, many suppliers offer deals through which printers and copiers can be regularly upgraded at a lower cost.